Ezra Levant – Taking a stand


Though I probably don’t support many of Mr. Levant’s political positions, in this particular situation his eloquent and passionate statements regarding his rights are stirring and should keep us all vigilant in protecting the freedoms that have been so hard won in our own country. I would hope that he would be just as strident in defending the rights of those on the opposite end of his political views. But whether or not he would be, we should.

Ezra Levant is a Canadian magazine publisher who was accused of publishing eighteen Islamophobic articles between January 2005 and July 2007 and brought before the Alberta Human Rights Commission.

“Today at 2 p.m. I will appear before an Alberta “human rights officer” for an interrogation. I am being interrogated for the political crime of publishing the Danish cartoons in the Western Standard nearly two years ago.”


Opening statement at the inquisition

What was your intent? (oh my)

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