Train Trip West 2011

Dad and I took a trip by rail with this itinerary:

Oct 14 7:50 AM Lv Saint Paul on the Empire Builder
14 2:15 PM Ar Chicago
Stay overnight in Chicago at the LaQuinta Inn

Oct 15 2:00 PM Lv Chicago on the California Zephyr
18 2:13 PM Ar Sacramento
Itinerary for the next three and a half days to be arranged, but to
include visits with David, Anita if possible, Ralph, Sis, maybe
a drive to Plumas County, other sight-seeing.

Oct 20 11:59 PM Lv Sacramento on the Coast Starlight
21 8:45 PM Ar Seattle
Stayed with Will
Itinerary for the next two days to be arranged, but to include
visits with Will, Margaret if she’s in town, the nephews and
their families, and Scott.

Oct 23 4:40 PM Lv Seattle on the Empire Builder
Oct 25 7:50 AM Ar Saint Paul

Great trip!! Here are some of images and sounds:

(Click on photo to go to the full Gallery)

Videos: (more videos coming soon)

Chicago Tour from Dan Cummings on Vimeo.

Leg #1 of our westward journey on the train. We stayed overnight 10/14/2011 in Chicago waiting to catch the California Zephyr. This is a little walking tour the morning of Saturday, 10/15/2011

On the Train! from Dan Cummings on Vimeo.

On leg #2 of our westward journey on the California Zephyr 10/17/2011

Will Cummings Fam – Seattle from Dan Cummings on Vimeo.

Seattle was destination #3 on the westward train journey by Dan and John Cummings. This is video from our visit to Will Cummings family 10/21/2011 – 10/24/2011

Here are some audio files recorded along the way (more to come):

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